Jennifer Bravo, Contributor
I'm Jennifer Bravo and I am actually a senior this year. Very early into the school year I will also be turning 17, and as far as I know that isn't really an age where you unlock a bunch of new privileges like when you're 18 or 21, but it is a step closer so I'm looking forward to it. I like listening to music in my spare time and just like anyone else, I listen to basically everything except country. Lately though I've been really into the artist Arca.
I don't really watch all that many shows, I just haven't heard of enough stuff that interests me. As for reading I've been thinking about getting into the Bible; I've heard a lot of things about it. I hear it's a very beautiful text and I'd like to see what It's all about, maybe it's interesting. I don't really read comics, and I don't really like webcomics but that's probably because I haven't been exposed to enough of them because I started reading Homestuck earlier this year and it's been an alright experience, it definitely isn't for everyone though.