A few students from Mr. Basulto’s Anatomy class went on a field trip on 5/17/24 to see the cadaver lab at Cal Ploy San Luis Obispo. He arranged another field trip for the students that could not attend this one, but I can only speak for the SLO field trip because I went to that one. The trip only allowed a handful of students to go, so sadly not everyone got go.

For the ones who did go, got to experience what college students do in the lab. They were split into groups of four and went around stations to learn about each part of the human body systems, and most of these stations offered an organ to see and touch while they explained what it does in the body. Some of the organs they got to see was the brain, heart, lungs, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and more! The organs they got to see was either from human donors, cows, and sheep.
They were also allowed to hold the organs, in one incident they got to put their finger inside of the aorta, which is a part of the human heart. The people that were showing us around really respected the bodies that was donated to them. This is why they covered their faces, did not tell us their names, and students were not allowed to have their phones to take pictures. They did tell us how they died though. We were shown two bodies, a man and a woman; the women died from cancer so when we saw her liver, it was bigger than normal. We also got to feel the gallbladder stones she had. Since the liver produces bile, and the gallbladder stores it, it looked green, which I thought was very cool.

When we were about to leave, they asked us what was something new we learned and passed out candy, then we got to play a Kahoot game. After we left the lab, we got to see the new building they had at Cal Poly, had lunch, and then got to see a garden which had many trails. Once we left the garden, we saw what appears to be a pregnant horse and a foal. Overall, this was a great experience, and thanks to Mr. Basulto, anatomy students got a better understanding and appreciation for the human body.