Last time The Breeze reported on the wellness center was on September 15th at the beginning of the school year. You can find that story here. Now, six months later, we are reporting what has happened (and is going to happen) with the wellness center.
There have been a over of 4,000 student visits, who have come into the wellness center since it had been opened in the beginning of the school year. This includes whole sophomore and freshman classes who come in during class time. Ms. Franco keeps track of the students entering the wellness center by having them sign into the iPad at the entrance.

Previously, there wasn’t any screens inside the wellness center, the main activity always involved students and the counselors at the wellness center. Now students can enjoy their lunch time inside the wellness center watching a film and participate in various activities.

Before the wellness center was occupied by a single table with four seats and other comfortable seats around the room, but now there are plenty of comfortable seats for students.

Puzzles had always been a part of the wellness center, but recently they have also added board games such as Connect Four and card games like Uno.

The journals at the wellness center are found in the same place they were previously, now accompanied by an interestingly shaped book shelf with psychoeducational reading material.

In an email after the interview, Ms. Franco wanted to add this to her previous statements, “We have many goals at the WC. One is to support students emotionally and socially as they navigate their way through high school. During our classroom lessons, we have been sharing information with SMHS students to help destigmatize mental health “We all have mental health like we all have physical health”.”
The wellness center is as calming as ever, and it has more coming it’s way. Come on by the wellness center during break or lunch to distract yourself from stressful academics. You can also follow the wellness center on Instagram to stay up to date with upcoming events @smhs_wellness_center.